Why APK over AAB?

Hi There. I'm sure atleast somebody will notice that i'm using the old APK file instead of the android newer AAB. The difference Is that you will get a small warning that these files are older then expected. This decision was made so that any version of android can use these games. As for the games themselves, They're not very complicated or demanding, So I don't worry about the difference.

Game controllers Setup:

These android games have been purpose-built to use a game controller for everything. If you are wondering what hardwhere I tested these on, I tested these on a Retro Pocket 2+, It's basically a gameboy running the Android Operating System. These are also tested on Windows to a lesser extent. Bluetooth controllers SHOULD work but your milage might vary!

How to install Android games?

You need to allow for 'unknown sources' in order to install my android games. 'Unknown sources' just means you didn't get a app from a certified app store. After you find the toggle to allow this, You sometimes need to then give your file explorer permission to install it. After all that, You should be free finally play it.

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